
S. No Project Name Project Guide MeasurableFactor
1. Human ActionDetection Using a Skeleton-Based Rectangular Grid and a 3D ConvolutionalNeural Network Mr.M. MukeshKrishnan Research
2. E-commerce webapplication with Crypto Wallets Gateway Integration Mr.K.Sivakumar Application
3. A Self -DiagnosisMedical Chatbot using Artificial Intelligence Mrs. Benita B Application
4. Airplane ticketfare prediction using random forest algorithm Mrs.Jenifer P. Application
5. Enhancing the fileconversion featurtes in PENCILCAD Mrs.N. Raja Priya Application
6. Implementation ofSemantic Style Transfer Based On The Mask R-CNN Algorithm Mr.Mukesh KrishnanM. Research
7. Image ForgeryDetection using Deep Learning Mr.S.Malaiarasan Research
8. A Framework todevelop geometric entities and printing 2D design in PencilCAD Application Dr.G.AravindSwaminathan Application
9. AI Based Trafficprediction using Hybrid XGBOOST And Linear Model Algorithm Dr. S. Balaji Application
10. Vehicle andObstacle Detection using Deep Learning. Mrs.P.Brundha Application
11. AI-based GeneticDisorder Prediction using Artificial Neural Network with Fog Computing Mrs. P.Jenifer Research
12. Deep ConvolutionalNeural Network for Real time Facial Expression Detection Dr.S.Gomathi Application
13. DNN basedmalicious attack detection system in edge computing Mrs.Benita B Application
14. Prediction ofcardiovascular disease using integrated machine learning Mrs. Sharonnisha.M Application
15. Real-time facemask detection and enabling of attendance using deep learning Ms.Valarmathi R Application
16. Implementation OfKaraoke Extraction Using CNN Mr.K.Sivakumar Research
17. Iot basedautomated Drones for Agriculture Dr.R.Ravi Application
18. Generating unittesting for the development of PencilCad using JUnit and RPA tool Dr. AravindSwaminathan G Application
19. Deploying PublicCloud Services in GCP and AWS Using Terraform as an Automation Tool Dr.Manohar E Research
20. A novel medicalImage encryption technique using hybrid steganography and cryptographytechnique Ms.Valarmathi R Research
21. Printed ID FacialImage Steganography to prevent Photograph Substitution Attack Mrs. PriskillaAngel rani J Application
22. Finding optimalpaths using network without learning it's unified classical approaches Dr.Tino Merlin R. Research
23. ForecastingElectricity Commodity Consumption and Pricing for Smart building using Deeplearning techniques Mrs.M.BagyaLakshmi Research
24. MultimodalBioscrypt using cryptologic for accessing ATM Dr.S.Balaji Application
25. DUMP VOICE:SignLanguage Recognition for deaf and dumb using Machine learning Dr.E.Manohar Application
26. Distributed HybridDouble - Spending Attack Prevention For Blockchain Techniques. Mrs.M.Sharon Nisha Research
27. Automatic plantleaf disease Recognition model using Convolutional Neural Network Mrs.N.Rajapriya Application
28. Enhancing thecrowd detection and monitoring using deep learning approach Dr.C.YesubaiRubavathi Application
29. Voice Recognitionusing Light Weight CNN Mr.Sivaraj S Application
30. Virtual Fence theGeospatial intelligence to Protect Enterprise Cloud Server Data Mrs. P.Anishya Research
31. Categorization ofmelanoma and Nevus in Graphical images for Diagnosis of skin cancer usingDeep Learning Mrs.A.Muthulakshmi Application


S.No ProjectName ProjectGuide Measurable Factor
1 Canteen foodordering system and management Mr.M.MukeshKrishnan Application
2 Accident detectionand alert app Dr.E.Manohar Application
3 Fake newsdetection Using machine learning Dr.S.Balaji Application
4 Dynamic resourceallocation for the vehicular multimedia could computing for priority basedtask scheduling Mrs.PriskillaAngel Rani Research
5 An InteractiveFramework for apparition of Weather Forecast Ensembles Dr.G.AravindSwaminathan Research
6 Detection of heartdisease using data mining techniques Mrs.Jasmine Mary Research
7. JointBeamformassesment for vehicular technology service Mrs.N.RajaPriya Product
8 Device forUnmasking the masked face by matching the facial features Ms.R.Valarmathi Product
9 Deep Learning andArtificial Intelligence approaches to improve COVID 19 care Dr.S.Gomathi Research
10 The modernizedapproach of diagnosing the patient with a Mobile-based Chatbot usingArtificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing Mrs.P.Brundha Application
11 Spammer detectionon product reviews using SVM and Random Forest Algorithms Mrs.P.Jenifer Application
12 AI based cardlessATM transaction using Face Recognition Mrs.P.J.BeslinPajila Application
13 Making bot forbusiness and College/School admission Mr.Peer Mohammed Application
14 Client managementwith finger printing and GPS Mr.K.Sivakumar Application
15 Detection of DDoSattack using hybrid machine learning algorithms Dr.YesubaiRubavathi Research
16 Object detectionand recognition in images using deep learning approach Mrs. M. SharonNisha Research
17 An advancedtechnique for protecting the banking transaction using Blockchain Technology Mrs.B.Benita Application
18 E-TextileCommunication Mrs.B.Benita Application
19 Rapid developmentof data transfer and storage counting bloom filter in cloud computing Mrs. PriskillaAngel Rani Product
20 Fingerprint basedonline secure transaction Dr.G.AravindSwaminathan Research
21 Online invoicingbased on QR code recognition Dr.S.Gomathi Product
22 Deep learningapproach for enhancing security of data using edge computing for secure datastorage Mrs.P.Jenifer Research
23 Incorporating anddefending against illegal content redistribution in encrypted cloud Mr.Peer Mohammed Research
24 A secret sharinggroup key management protocol of cloud storage in big data era Mr.J.ZahariyaGabriel Application
25 A novel predictionand control framework for waste water treatment process using deep learning Dr.Yesubai Rubavathi Application
26 Enhancing cybersecurity by combining NTRU key management with Artificial neural networkbased routing strategy Mrs.Malaiarasan Application
27 Inferring usersonline activities through traffic analysis Dr.E.Manohar Application
28 Data sharing withhiding sensitive information for secure cloud storage Mrs.M.Sharon Nisha Application
29 Trustworthyelectronic voting using adjusted blockchain technology Mrs.P.J.BeslinPajila Product
30 Secured datasharing for dynamic groups in cloud computing Mrs.N.Raja Priya Application
31 Automated lungnodule segmentation and classsification using convolutional neural network Mr.K.Sivakumar Application
32 Word reorderingApproch for machine translation of dravidian languages Mr.Mukesh Krishnan Application
33 An approach forprediction of Crop yield using machine learning Mrs.Jasmine Mary Application
34 Novel approach foronline mining of temporal maximal utility item sets from data streams Mrs.M.Muthulakshmi Application


S.No ProjectName ProjectGuide Measurable Factor
1 Smart trafficmanagement and fuel monitoring system using IOT Dr. G. AravindSwaminathan Application
2 Dynamic cloudResource Allocation considering Demand Uncertainty Dr.E.Manohar Research
3 Spam detection andfake user identification in social network Mr.Peer Mohamed Application
4 Voice based OnlineExamination For Visually Challenged Candidates Using NLP Algorithm Mrs.S.Gomathi Research
5 Privacy Aware DATAdeduplication for Side Channel in Cloud Storage Mr.S.Malaiarasan Research
6 Smart Monitoringand Managing the Medicine Details of the Patient Digitally using AndroidApplication Mrs.N.RajaPriya Research
7. Online cafeteriafood ordering service Mr.M.Mukeshkrishnan Product
8 Similar ObjectTracking Using High Resolution Recognition. Mr.M.Mukeshkrishnan Product
9 Bus TrackingSystem in Live location Tracking and seat Identifying using G-Map with IOT Dr.E.Manohar Product
10 AI Automatic CodeGenerator Through Voice. Mrs.P.Jenifer Application
11 College communityapplication Mr.K.Sivakumar Application
12 Image Processingand GCM Based Surveillance Monitoring System Using Android Application Dr.S.Gomathi Application
13 Real time businessanalytics with complaint tracking through web application. Mrs.B.Benita Application
14 A secureverifiable ranked choice online voting system based on homomorphicencryption. Ms.R.Valarmathi Application
15 Home automationsystem based on IOT. Mrs.P.Brundha Product
16 Leaf DiseaseDetection using SVM Classifier Algorithm Dr.S.Gomathi Research
17 Efficientoblivious Data Structure for Database Services on Network Security. Mrs.Rajapriya Product
18 DNA Compressionusing RLE Encoder and Huffman Encoder Mrs.M.Sharon Nisha Application
19 Hostel ManagementSystem using Android Application Mrs.P.J.BeslinPajila Product
20 Product ReviewSentimental Analysis Using Python Mrs.P.Brundha Research
21 Content Managementsystem with full fledged style UI Dr.S.Balaji Research
22 Unterwater ImageUsing Residual Based Deep CNN Mrs.B.Benita Research
23 Real time businessanalytics with complaint tracking through web application Mrs.B.Benita Research
24 A secureverifiable ranked choice online voting system based on homomorphic encryption Ms.R.Valarmathi Application
25 Leaf DiseaseDetection using SVM Classifier Algorithm Mrs.S.Gomathi Application
26 Home automationsystem based on IOT Mrs.P.Brundha Application
27 Efficientoblivious Data Structure for Database Services on Network Security Mrs.Rajapriya Application
28 DNA Compressionusing RLE Encoder and Huffman Encoder Mrs.M.Sharon Nisha Application
29 Hostel ManagementSystem using Android Application Mrs.P.J.BeslinPajila Product
30 Product ReviewSentimental Analysis Using Python Mrs.P.Brundha Application
31 Content Managementsystem with full fledged style UI. Dr.S.Balaji Application
32 Unterwater ImageUsing Residual Based Deep CNN Mrs.B.Benita Application
33 Android BasedProduct Identification and Expiry Reminder App Using Qr-Code Mr.M.Mukeshkrishnan Application
34 Real timemonitoring of rocket engine performance using Ethercat Mr.J.A.Jevin Application
35 An Application forFarmer Marketing Analysis Mrs.B.Benita Application
36 Detectingfradulantappliction and traitor on smartphone - A reverse Engineeringapproach Dr.E.Manohar Application
37 Hand writtencharacter recognition using deep learning convolution neural networks Mr.K.Sivakumar Application
38 ExaminationAutomation System Mr.M.Mukeshkrishnan Application
39 Secure andefficient cloud computing framework Mrs.B.Benita Application
40 Parking spotindicator in vicinity based on android application Mrs.M.Sharon Nisha Application
41 A generalframework for edited vedio and raw vediosummaraization Mr.Peer Mohamed Application
42 Feedback autonomicprovisioning Mr.J.A.Jevin Product
43 Real –timesentiment prediction on streaming social network data using in memoryprocessing Dr.G.AravindSwaminathan Application
44 AcademicCertificate verification system based on blockchain technology usingencryption algorithm Dr.G.AravindSwaminathan Application
45 Detection ofcancer in Human Blood Sample based on Microscopic Images and machine learningalgorithms Mrs.P.Brundha Application
46 Search engineoptimized webinar management system using the serverless system Mr.Peer Mohamed Application
47 Real timemonitoring of rocket engine performance using Ethercat Mr.J.A.Jevin Research

Best and Average Student Projects(2021-2022)

S.No Project Title Student Name
1 E-commerceweb application with Crypto Wallets Gateway Integration AbulHassan Sathuli M AAruthiraArun Raja A R R
2 ASelf -Diagnosis Medical Chatbot using Artificial Intelligence AkashVDuraiNanthakumar M
3 ImageForgery Detection using Deep Learning AtchayaEGiftMarshlin J
4 AIBased Traffic prediction using Hybrid XGBOOST And Linear Model Algorithm ChitraVKavithaP
5 DeepConvolution Neural Network for Real time Facial Expression Detection HawwaJaasmin PLakshmiK
6 ForecastingElectricity Commodity Consumption and Pricing for Smart building using Deeplearning techniques RajeshMSudhersunM
7 DUMPVOICE:Sign Language Recognition for deaf and dumb using Machine learning NoorulAfiya ZSalmaMofika M
8 Enhancingthe crowd detection and monitoring using deep learning approach SankaraIsai Selvam PSaurabhAMohamedIsmail S
9 VoiceRecognition using Light Weight CNN MariRajan GYogeshPethuram TVijayaNaveen Raj S
10 Categorizationof melanoma and Nevus in Graphical images for Diagnosis of skin cancer usingDeep Learning ShelshyaGold NShobika

Best and Average Student Projects(2020-2021)

S.No Project Title Student Name
1 AIBased predictor and NLP Processed ordering system for canteen mobile app. AvudaiappanS MohamedAnees S ThirumaranL
2 VehicleAccident detection and alert app AbilashBerkin A BaskarS GanapathyKarthikeyan R
3 Themodernized approach of diagnosing the patient with a Mobile-based Chatbotusing Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing EsakkiammalS EssakkiammalS GandhiMathi V
4 Deeplearning approach for enhancing security of data using edge computing forsecure data storage MuthuAbsara MSathyaBsSrirajaLakshmi
5 Anovel prediction and control framework for waste water treatment processusing deep learning MuthuSelvi PSwetha.AOliviaAngel
6 Makingbot for business and College/School admission automation usingArtificialIntellegence Markup Language BoothaGanesh M KarthickR MelvinPaul S
7 ApplyingDeep learning techniques using cross validation predictor for Intrusiondetection EzhilArasan M JayaPrakash Anthony MaharajanA
8 Rapiddevelopment of data transfer and storage counting bloom filter in cloudcomputing Iyappan.M Nivas.GPerumalLaxman.B
9 Inferringusers online activities through traffic analysis NewtonMotha R Madasamy RSudarshan.R
10 Anadvanced technique for protecting the banking transaction using BlockchainTechnology EaswaryaM ManoDurga M