An Autonomous Institution

Accredited by NBA(CSE, ECE, EEE, MECH)

AICTE Sponsored Margdarshan Mentor Institution

DST-FIST Supported Institution | ISO 9001:2015 certified

Recognised Under Section 2(f) & 12(B) of the UGC Act,1956

103/G2, Bypass Road, Vannarpettai, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India - 627003.

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FXEC has hit yet another remarkable milestone when the department of ECE proposed to setup an incubation center within its premises. The department signed an MoU and planned to house the VLSI based company VICANPRO. The grand opening of VICANPRO Incubation centre  took place in FX Engineering College. The chief objective of the Incubation centre its to develop the skills that matches the core competencies of  today's Industrial skillset . 

The  Incubation centre  was inaugurated by 

1) Mr. Ponselvakumar -  8.5 year of experience .. He started his career in arasan as analog layout engineer and worked in L&T, eximus and currently in physical verification top level in Qualcomm.

2) Mr. Yogesh - From manipal having 5+ years of exp in this vlsi field.. currently working in lead soc  Bangalore.

3) Mr. Murugesh - 8 years of experience In digital verification.. he has experience in glx as well.. currently working in Arasan landt. 

4) Ms. Shilpa- From Maharashtra 8 years exp in physical verification. she is Prior to that she worked in wipro and mirafra currently in Qualcomm.

5) Mr. Vijayraj- 10 years of exp in physical design.. currently in qualcomm. Prior to that worked in arasan, smartplay, tessolve, gigamicro semiconductors.

The incubation centre is well equipped with advanced computer technology for the benefit  of ECE students. The inauguration took place at the college auditorium. The welcome address was delivered by Dr. Joy Winnie wise/ Principal.  Dr.Gnana Saravanan/ Placement- Dean delivered a special speech about the scope of VLSI in core placement. Further, Job offer letter were presented to the student in the Program. The program was honored by the presence of  Mr. Arun Babu/ Managing Director & Dr. Jeyakumar / General Manager (Developement). Mrs. L. R. Priya, HOD ECE, FXEC delivered the vote of thanks. The members of the institution and the professors of the institution have made the arrangement of the inauguration center into a grand success.

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