An Autonomous Institution

Accredited by NBA(CSE, ECE, EEE, MECH)

AICTE Sponsored Margdarshan Mentor Institution

DST-FIST Supported Institution | ISO 9001:2015 certified

Recognised Under Section 2(f) & 12(B) of the UGC Act,1956

103/G2, Bypass Road, Vannarpettai, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India - 627003.

Event Image

On 11.3.2022 the Entrepreneurship Development Cell and Institution’s Innovation Council in association with the department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (AI & DS) organised a guest lecture to first year B.Tech Artificial Intelligence and Data Science to create awareness on entrepreneurship to ignite the entrepreneurial spirit. Dr. A. Anitha, Head of the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science gave an introduction about the resource person and about the purpose of organizing the awareness program. Resource person Dr.Lourdes Poobala Rayen, EDC director & IIC President and Innovation Ambassador explained about the key concepts of “Igniting the Entrepreneurial Spirit”. The resource person explained the need for entrepreneurship, why it is important for the engineers. He highlighted number of examples for opting the entrepreneurship as the career option. The resource person interacted with the participants and explained the tremendous business opportunities available especially after the COVID pandemic situation. In fact the program went on well and all the participants observed vey keenly and benefitted. The program was coordinated by Mrs. P. Sooriabrabha, AP/AI&DS and the EDC Coordinator of AI & DS.

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