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Accredited by NBA(CSE, ECE, EEE, MECH)

AICTE Sponsored Margdarshan Mentor Institution

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Recognised Under Section 2(f) & 12(B) of the UGC Act,1956

103/G2, Bypass Road, Vannarpettai, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India - 627003.

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The Third International Conference on Innovative Computational Intelligence, ICICI’23 was conducted by the Department of Computer Applications, in association with Institution Innovation Council through Online platform on 21st April 2023. The Inaugural ceremony started with a prayer by Mr. Ajo of II MCA and Ms.Indra of final year MCA welcomed the gathering. Mr. Saravana Kumaran of final year MCA stressed the importance of the International conference. Dr. V. Velmurugan, Principal, FXEC released the Conference Proceedings. Ms. Brindha Sugirthamani of II MCA introduced the Chief Guest Mrs. Ranjini, Senior Technologist of Infosys Ltd, Houston, Texas and Mr.Vasanth Vedamuthu Dharmaraj Front end engineer, Amazon Toronto, Canada. In his speech, Mrs. Ranjini emphasized the importance of Cloud Computing and also shared her Amazon AWS. The second keynote speaker Mr.Vasanth Vedamuthu Dharmaraj addressed the importance of “Side Projects”. The presidential address was given by Dr. V.Velmurugan , Principal, FXEC.

The second session started with the presentation of participants from the institutions inside and outside. The selected papers were presented by the participants and evaluated by the Chairpersons Dr.S.Selvakani, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Computer Science and Computer Applications, Government Arts and Science College, for Paper ID: ICICI 001 – ICICI 020, Dr.(Mrs). S. Princy Suganthi Bai Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science,Sarah Tucker College, Tirunelveli for Paper ID: ICICI 021 – ICICI 030 ICICI 051 -ICICI 059, Dr.(Mrs). D. Louisa Mary Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science,Sadakathullah Appa College, Tirunelveli Paper ID: ICICI 031 – ICICI 050, Mr. M. Esakkiraj for Paper ID: ICICI 075 – ICICI 080.

The Valedictory function started with a prayer by Mr. Udhayakumar of II MCA followed by the Welcome address by Ms. Harshini of first year MCA. The Keynote Speaker Prof. George Ghinea BSc (Hons), MSc.. PhD., FHEA, MIEEE, MBCS, Professor of MulseMedia Computing, Department of Computer Science, College of Engineering Design and Physical Sciences, Brunel University London gave address on the topic “Integrating MulSeMedia in E Learning – Opportunities and Challenges''

The participants gave feedback about the International Conference. The closing note was proposed by Mrs. D. Angeline Ranjithamani, HOD/MCA. Vote of thanks proposed Ms.Brindha Sugirthamani of final year MCA.

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