An Autonomous Institution

Accredited by NBA(CSE, ECE, EEE, MECH)

AICTE Sponsored Margdarshan Mentor Institution

DST-FIST Supported Institution | ISO 9001:2015 certified

Recognised Under Section 2(f) & 12(B) of the UGC Act,1956

103/G2, Bypass Road, Vannarpettai, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India - 627003.

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A Webinar was conducted by the Entrepreneurship Development Cell and Institution lnnovation Council in association with the Department of Computer Applications on the topic "The Essence of Entrepreneurial Skills to Develop a Startup” on 08.07.2022. The Webinar was organized for the MCA staff and students. The session was handled by Mr.R.Albert Paulin Michael, AP/MCA, Francis Xavier Engineering, Tirunelveli from 3.00pm - 4.00pm. The resource person conveyed the insights regarding the Entrepreneurial Skills like basic start- up knowledge, business planning, financial literacy and managerial skills for develop a startup and he focused the startups on various stages and various types of organizations in a location. He explained about skills to develop a startup like creative thinking, time management, networking, communication and create an opportunity. He insisted the students to develop of a startup. 30 students and faculties were actively participated in the session. All the students were benefited by the Webinar.

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