Ideation Lab & Cyber forensics Lab students presented their innovative projects at Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore and win a cash award of Rs 10,000.

FXEC, Tirunelveli | 08 Jun,2022


The student-members of the Applied Labs established at FXEC are motivated to come up with new ideas, execute them, and iterate until the idea is fully developed into a project. As the student-members work with the forward thinking, it makes them possible to present their projects in National Level Contests.

J.Rajkamal II CSE of the Cyberforensics lab and Arun Prabahahar III IT of the Ideation lab presented the project titled "Object detection for visually challenged" in the megaproject contest held at Dr. Ambedkar institute of technology, Bangalore and were in the 4th position out of 120projects exhibited and won a cash prize of Rs 10,000. The Project team includes Sangli Boopathy - II CSE and Vincent - II CSE of the Data Science Lab.